Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls ConTerfion. 233 tance : to bring it unto a good frame and foft dif- pofìtion : A gaine, therefore confider this, and make good ufe of the opportunity : the Apoflle gives the reafon why it is fo hard to bring the heart unto a fit temper againe, Heb.3. 13. Take heed,faith Heb. ;. r;. he, that you be not hardnedthrough the deceitfulneffe of nne : there is a deceit in every frone, which if you looke not unto ir,will beguile you ; if you doe not put out the fparke, it will be a harder thing for you to put out the flame, to flop the paffage of finne ; but you will be like unto thofe, Rom 2.5. Rom.a.s. that have hearts that cannot repent, hearts pall grace; therefore take heed of quenching the fpi- tit, and this wee doe when we put off repentance, and humiliation,when we are by the fpirit brought unto a fight of our firmes. 2./41e. The fecond Rule is this,as in the firft place, we mull not put off the worke of the fpirit, fo in the fecond place, we mull not make too much haft our of it : you muff not thinke that a little humiliati- on will ferve the turne,a little forrow,a few teares, or a few fighes ; but you nnuft continue in ir, and it mull remaine in you:the contrary unto this, is that forrow which the Lord reproves in the people of Ifrael, Ifaiah 58. 6. Is this the fall that I have chofen that men /hould hang donne theiriheads like a b ulru f h ICai ah $ 8.6. for a day : they were affected with finne, and it wrought feme effect in them, but it did not conti- nue,it was but for a time, it lifted not, and there- fore it was that the Lord hated it : you mull let forrow breed in our hearts,you mull let it flit con - tinue