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Ammemossin 234 Pauls Converfi n. Lcv.t6,z9. tinue with you, or elfe it will not humble you: the nature of the bulrufh is, for a time to hang downe the head , when it is over-preft with water, but when it is dry, then it lifts up it felfe againe; fo there are many, that for a time will hang downe their heads, and fume to have this true forrow but it is but when form judgement is upon them, then they can humble themfelves, and cry and weep :: but when it is remooved,that is,when they are freed from the judgement, they are lifted np, their humiliation is gone, now that you may have this humiliation, to continue with you, you mull doe as the Apofile exhorts you , Eames 4. 8. you muff purge your hearts : that is, you muff purge hy- pocrifie away that deceives you in the matter of humiliation, and if you aske how you (hall keepe your hearts humble, hee tels you how, Let, faith he, your joy be turned into mourning: that is, keepe a rafte of firne, and the difpleafure of God in your hearts, and this will humble you : therefore you muff continue in forrow : this was that which was commanded the people of ifrael, Levit. 16.29. Tom /hall humble your (elves, and doe no woke at all: they muli feparate themfelves from all fuch workes on that day , which may bee a meanes to keepe them from humiliation: for the objeet,being holden long on the faculty , it will at lait humble us ; for our nature is like the fire, if matter be not applyed unto ir, it will goe our, fo if we keepe not a fenfe of firne, humiliation , and forrow in our heart, it will dye. Therefore you mutt take paires