Pauls Converfion. 235 paines with your hearts, and fet finne Bill before you, Daviets hone was ever before him, and Paul was ever humble in remembring his hones : there- fore let this humiliation and godly forrow bee in you, not like a land flood, but like a fpring : this forrow muff íi11 bee running and fpringrng and flowing or elfe you will not remaine humble: I .I confeffe,it is true that they that have received the fpirit, have not the fpirit of bondage to feare, that is, to forrow hopeleffc, but yet they have received fuch a fpirit that keepes them 'fill in awe, that keepes them Bili in this forrow, that keepes them (fill in feare; but yet the evill that is in the forrow and feare is taken away , becaufe of a mixture of fpirituall joy,hopc,and confidence, that they have wrought in them by the fpirit. The third is this, you muff proportion your humiliation according unto your hones; if your hones have beene great hones, then your humilia- tion muff be a deepe humiliation : this wee fee in .*tanaffes, as his finne was exceeding great, fo his humiliation was exceeding great : it wrought in him a great meafure of humiliation, and fo Peters hone was great, and his humiliation was great, for as the hone is greater or leffer, fó the humiliation should be greater or lefl^cr, becaufe the greater the firmes are, the greater !hall bee the judgement for them: and therefore when you can paffe over your hones, as little hones, it is a frgne that you are not humbled, for if you were, you would then other - wife conceive of finne : now where there is great hones I 3. Ride.