Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

74 f SER. I I I. So that you may obferve adouble difpofition in men; one is a complaining, a fclfe accufing difpofî_ Double diCpo- Lion, when a man is apt to complaine of himfelfe, fition m men, and can never find too much fault with himfelfe, de- lights in the exa6tneflè of other mens converfations, Ioves that do&rine which is fclfe- feparating, won- ders at his owne corruption; fo that no man can fay fo much again(' him, but ha can fay much more again(' himfelfe. This is a good fgne, and fuch a condition was in lefia, when his heart melted, and in Paul, Rom.7 where you may fee how he complaines of the abundance of his Corruption. But there is ano ,her excufing difpofition, when a man fees nothing amifle in himfelfe, that will not have any Rich doubts made betweene man and man, and that for his owne part, he will not be (hut out of the number, but anfwereth for his owne righteouf neilè, that he is rich, and increafed in goods, when indeed he is naked, and poore, and miferable: I fay, this is an ill fgne that thou haft not yet received the HOLY G H o s T, that thou art not yet partaker of the righteoufncffe of C H it i s T, for the Ho L Y Giros T will firft convince thee of finne, and if thou art not fo convinced, it is a fgne thou haft not yet received that righteoufne(fe; and know this, that , in all the Saints, in all to whom G o D bath revealed Himfelfe, you (hall Erode this difpofition, to com- plaine of themfelves. How abundant was it in Da. vid ? Hee watt ever complaining that his f nnes were Pfal. J 9.. i a more than the haires of his head. As in Pfal. 19. Who can underfland his faults ? And, my ,lanes are too hea_ vie for me, and they are gone over my head : Hee is ilia Ì com- That the Nature of man is full of