Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

236 Pauls Connerfaon. limes forgiven, there will bee great love, as the woman in the Gofpel,fhee loved much : chat is, the had many fi mes forgiven her, therefore fhce ex- prett much humiliation and love unto Chrift. A- gaine, let every man labour to fate their times the more, that they may love Chrift the more;for that which the aft aions are molt affected with, that the underftanding apprehends moil, and then the bent of the will followes, and a man may, if he will, come unto this to fee finne in himfelfe, in fuch a manner as to humble him , and make him to love God the more. As a man that hash a de- lire to fee the Prince in a multitude, hee will ever fatten his eye unto him : fo if a man would but fatten his underttanding and vninde upon Fiume, he would at fait fee it to humble him, and this did Davidin the finne of Yriah hee brought his finne unto this, that it was ever before him , no liane humbled him as this did : And thus much for the meanes ofgetting humiliation. Is it fo that humiliation is fo neceffary a condition on our parrs,though as I faid before, it is not lim- ply neceffary on Gods part, neither a fimple grace becaufe there is no promife that follows it,but the promife is made without exception of perlons, or conditions generally unto all, Whofoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely, that is, without any antecedent condition ( faith excepted) : yet as I faid,except we be humble,wee will not come in and receive Chrift, and without Chrift, there is no meanes to bee faved, and this we