Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. 237 we will not doe till we be humble, therefore it be- hoves you to examine your felves, whether you have this condition in you or no : and now, that I may make you willing to examine your felves(for except you be willing you will not) confider thefe three things to moove you hereunto. The fi, fl motive is this , confider that all that you doe till you bee humble is loft labour; you heave in vaine, you reade in vaine, you receive in vaine,you pray in vaine, you give aimes in vaine, till you be truly humuled. Pfal. g t. r7.the facri- fices of God are a broken and contrite heart , all the,7. prayers that a man makes, all the aimes that hee gives, all the holy duties that he doth performe, if they doe not proceed from a truly humbled foule, they are unfavory things,and that for thefe rearms. r. Reafon. The firft reafon is this , becaufe a r.Reafo . broken heart, is the altar on which we muff offer; whatfoever we offer up to God, they are not fuch as God acceps of; if they be not oftèred up upon thisaltar, for the facrifices of God are a broken heart,a truly humbled foule: for as in the time of the Law , the Prieft was to offer up facrifices for the people in all humilitie, fo Chrift in the Gof- pell on the Croffe with a broken and a contrite fpirit, offered a facrifice for all his children, and makes them acceptable unto God, yet except the heart be humble, he will not accept of a firmer. H. Reafon. The fecond reafon is added in ifaiah z Reafon 66. 2. bee will dwd ll in a broken and a contrite f»- Isiah 6i. 2.. I, 1: fit,