. Reeafen. arms 1.738. 2. Motive. Pauls Converfon. tit, a humble foule is a fir habitation for the fpirit, now the fpirit dwels in the heart as the Sunne in a houfe,by communicating his grace unto the foule; where hee will come into, and where the fpirit will dwell, there he doth certainly love, and no fooner doth he dwell in the heart, but he will fill the heart full of holineflè ; and on the contrary, he will not come neere a proud heart : therefore if e- ver you would have the fpirit to dwell in you, you mull get humble hearts,. III. Reafon. The third reafon is,becaufe except a man have a broken heart, he will not be confiant with Chrifi , he will ferve him but by halves and fits, and not conftantly, now and then, as paillon rules him ; but when a man is truly humbled, hee will keepe clofe unto Chrift : now a man that is unfiable, God doth not efieeme of as a friend, he doth not efteem him as a friend that is unflable, becaufe he knowes not how to depend upon him, hee fiands now with him , but whether bee will when he (hall need, whether he will hold dole to him or no he knowes not, and therefore the Apo- file faith, that the unfiable heart (hall receive no- thing of God, lames i. 7, 8. God will nor accept; of any thing that he doth, thus you fee all is loft labour,till you be humbled, men are unwilling to loofe their labour in any thing, but much more in this, if they had hearts to beleeve it. The fecond motive is this, becaufe whatfoever profeffion a man makes in religion , it is nothing worth, till a man be humble for what is the rea- fon,