Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. I 239 fon, that men doe not hold out in their profeffion but fall away and look their firfi love, but becaufe they were not throughly humbled: for pride of heart fmothereth that forme of kerning grace at lati, that the corruption and hollow heartedneffe that was in them is made apparant unto all : now that your profeffion is nothing worth, without humiliation, till you be humble is ,cleere by thefe reafons. The firti reafon is this, except you bee truely r. Reafon. humbled, you will wither: you will not hold out in your profeffion, this was the qualitie of the firfi ground, the plow had not gone deepe enough: they were not throughly humbled, there was feed fowne, an open profeffion of Chrifl, but it laded not, the houle was builded , but the foundation was not deepe enough , that which fhould have kept the houle from falling, was wanting,and that made it to fall; fo it is with men, becaufe they want this humiliation : therefore their profeffion and they doe not contiuue,but part willingly, one from another : they will doe fomethings, but not all things , and they will forgoe fomethings, but not all things; and therefore our Saviour faith, Luke ¿4.. He that will not forfake all for my fake, is not worthy of mee : he is not worth the faving that prizes nor mee above all things whatfoever, and a man will not prize Chrifl, nor forfake all things for Chrifk, till he be humbled. The fecond reafon is this, becaule till a man be t, Reafon: cut off, that is, till hee bee humbled , he will not K k z grow