Pauls Converfion. 241 neth the heart and weakneth grace, and therefore the Prophet faith, in Ier.4.3. that they forved their Jcrc.4.3 feedamongfi themes, and therefore it was, that it profpered not, it woke away all the goodneffe of their adtions, becaufe they were mingled with their lufts;minglelufts and grace together,and you will never grow fruirfull in good. The third Motive is this, becaufe except a man 3, CilZorive. be humbled, hee cannot have any found comfort ; for howfoever,as I faid,it is not a fimple grace,yet' it is fo neceffary a condition, that except wee bee humbled,we willnot receive Chrift,nor come un- to him ; now all joy and comfort lyeth in the re- ceiving of Chrift, and Chrifts accepting of you : Confider what comfort Cain and Iudal and others had,that did not receive Chrift ; and againe,confi- der the comfort that Peter and Paul, and (Mary (Magdalen had in receiving of Chrift , and then confider whether they had nor this condition,and were not throughly humbled or no; it is true, the other were humbled, but it was not the humiliati- on ofthe fpirit, which is a worke of the Spirit, but it was a worke of the flefh : now if our com. fort (lands in receiving of Chrift , and if wee will not receive Chrift , rill wee bee humbled , then it (lands us upon to examine our felves, whe- ther this condition be in us or no , or whether wee have received Chrift with this condition or no, if you have not, you may fufpe 1 your felves, that you are neither Chrifts, nor Chrift yours , for this is the firft fteppe unto Chrift, K k 3 he