Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

242 Pauls (unier on. liss('m. he that is truly humbled is in the right way to fal- i vation : now if a man were to goe a journey , and were directed to goe by fuch a hedge, or fuch a Wind-mill, it [lands him upon to marke diligent- ly, whether hee bath gone by fach a place or not, that fo he may know whether hee bee in the right way to his journeys end; fo it fhould be with you. I have told you that if you be faxed, you muff bee humble ; that is, if you would goe unto heaven, you muff goe this way, you muff turne at humi- liation; if you mite this crooke, the further you goe on in this way ofyours, the further you goe from the right way to falvation and happi neffe. But here a queftion may arife, that is, you may demand what forrow or humiliation this is, that is fo neceffary to the right receiving of Chriff. To this I anfwer, confider that there is a turbu- lent kind of forrow, which is not this forrow which is required for the receiving of Chrift:1 call that a turbulér forrow which ends in defpaire, that the children of wrath are poffeff withal!, fuch as Tucker, and Cain, and Achitophel; but this is not the forrow,that I would have to be in you,but there is another kind of forrow, which is a fad and deepe apprehenfion of fin,when a man fees finne in fuch a hue,with filch a wadde, fo contrary unto God, fo contrary unto his good , that hereupon he fo for- roweth for finne, that hee feekes unto Chri[I, both as a father to heape, and a Phyfician to heale: yet