Pauls Con')erfion. yet we fay not, that this alone is proper unto the godly, for many times they are both ; fometimes the ben of Gods children have horrours of confci- ence, and are affrighted with hell , fo that for the prefent, they apprehend not Chris , but thinke themfelves to bee veflels of wrath : againe many have them not , and yet are truely humbled , and therefore wee may fay of thefe, as the father faid unto his two fonnes in the Gofpell : thofe that have this firfl kind of farrow, fay in their paf- fion, they will doe thus and thus , and yet will not; againe, others that have it nor, though for the prefent, they will not doe thus and thus, that is, though they beenot humble as others are, yet they will goe and continue with Chrift, and doe what he commands then. And here another quenion arifeth,whether this turbulent kind of forrow bee of abfolute necefii- tie, that is, whether to the right receiving of Chrift, it is necetlàry that Chrinians have this kind of forrow. To this I anfwer firft, that it is not thegrea- tett turbulent forrow that breakes the heart and mollifies and foftens it, but there is ano- ther forrow , which I call a tempered farrow, . and that forrow hath in it both a fight of hell, and a fight of heaven , a fight of lime, and a fight of grace. in Chrift which farce exceeds this for - row; for as it is with joy, the greate(f joy is not expretled by laughter , for that is the greateft joy that is the jay of the inward man, fo it is not the greateft 243 erfolfr .