Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

244 2. At(wà 3.ilnfw. Pauls Converfion. greateft griefe that is expreff d by teams, and as it is not the greateft fire that make the moft crack- ling and noyfe, nor that the deepeû water that makes the molt roaring, fo is it not the grearelt griefe or forrow that exprefl'eth ir felfe by this tur- bulent paffion of the mind ; but the greateft griefe is nothing when a firmer apprehends finne within, and fees it in its owne colour , then it humbles him. Secondly, to this I anfwer, that there are de- grees of this forrow , and this arifeth from the nature of men, forne men are ofa more hardier na- ture then others; and againe force are of a more fofrer and renderer drfpofirion : for example, force mens flefh will heale fooner then others, though the wound be the fame ; fo force have more fof- ter and gentle natures, and therefore fooner wrought upon : againe force God intends to build a greater worke upon, and therefore hee humbles them the more: againe, force hee will feafon above others, and therefore will hum- ble them the more, that fo they may bee fir for ir. Thirdly, to this I anfwer, that although all have not the like meafure of forrow, neither the fame apprehenfion of fin that others have,(& ther- fore are not fo much caft downe in filch a manner as others are) yet,it is not becaufe they are not humble at all ; but becaufe the condition followes it fo dole, that it hash not power to worke that (filet in them, which it dorh in others, that