Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. 245 fee the fame condition a farre off, or not at all; they apprehend Chrift by faith, and fo reconcilia- tion through him;and then fort are not fo dejeâed as others that fee him not thus: and therefore bee not difcouraged , though thou finde that thy humiliation bee not fo great as others, the things may bee the fame ; and the apprehenfion the fame, but Chrift, the condition of thy peace is apprehended neere thee by faith ; and this qualifies the tempeft of the foule , but Chrift is not feene of the other as a Saviour : and this makes the difference; as for example, there are two men fee upon by robbers , the one fees no helpe, or no way to efcape; and hereupon hee is marveloufly :Aided and aftonifhed becaufe hee findes himfelfe vnable to refit or make his partie good with them : but the other man be- fet with robbers , fees another neere hand that will ftand dole to him; and thereupon hee trufts, hopes, and depends upon the man to helpe him, this man fees the danger as well as the other and feares, but his feare is not diftra &ed feare, neither is it fo great as the other, becaufe it is mixed with joy and confidence,in that he fees a way to efcape, yet he leaves the fame that others feare,and is true - ly humbled, and thankefull unto him that laves hirn from the danger : thus it is with many Chri- f}ians, they that have a turbulent kinde of for - row, fee death,and hell,and finne, and damnation ; but hee fees Chrift fo farre off, that bee cannot- depend upon Chrift as a Saviour,and hence for the L 1 prefent