Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

246 Pauls Converfian. prefent is marvelloufly call downe , but hee that bath the mixed forrow fpoken of, fees the fame in the fame manner, but withal! bee apprehends Chrift as a helper, as a Saviour ; and hereupon is not fo much dejeaed and call downe, as the other, and yet notwithftanding is as truely humbled and thankful! as the other: therefore labour to get a heart fenfible of free, that is, labour to know finne, and the evill of it , and withall labour to fee Chrifl, or elfe you will bee over - frighted with them : as a man that is in prifon for treafon, or a great fad, hee knowes before what fentence the Iudgeand Iury will paffe upon him, but bee cares not, if before hee have got the Kings pardon : fo if you know finne, and know the punifhment of finne but know not Chrifl, you will have no comfort in your knowledge : labour therefore to get the holy Ghoft, for it is the worke of the holy 16.9. Ghofl to convince the world of finne. lohn 16. 9. A man is no fooner convicted, but there will be a change wrought in him: for a man is then convia when hee is overcome every way, and thus thé holy Ghofl will convince you of finne : feeke what way you will to keepe off the ftroke of the Spirit , yet you that' not be able, and this flroke !hall humble you, if you belong unto God, as i t did Paulin this place. But you will fay , how !hall I know whether I am truely humbled orno 1 For your better helpe, I will lay downe fome fignes by which you may examine your (elves, & then accordinglyyou may judge of your effaces. The