Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. 247 The firft figne whereby you 1ha11 knowlwhether you be thorowly humbled br no, is this, if you love much, it is a figne that-you are thorowly humbled: this we fee in the woman in the Gofpel, and it is Chrias commendations of her, that Thee loved much, that is,the was fenfible of that which Chrift had done for her; therefore her love to Chrift was exceeding great , no labour too great, nothing too precious for Chrift,and this we fee in Paulalfo, Chrift did much for Paul, and Paul thought nothing too good for Chrift : therefore peremptorily he concludes that hee is ready, not onely to fuffer, but to die for Chrift : feeing Chrift faved my foule from hell, and that by fuch arice of fo much worth, as his owne bloud was, how can I then thinke that my life is too much for Chrift a therefore examine your felves, exa- mineyour humiliation by your love, if you love him not above all things, if you prize him nota- bove all things, you were not as yet truely hum - bled:and that I may perfwade you to love Chrift, and grace, and holineffe above all things confider thefe two motives. The firft motive is this, confider the goodnefïe of the thing that I perfwade you unto : the good- nefïe and excellency, that is in the things of the world, makes men to love them : men will not love any thing, except they fee fome excellency in ir, or at leaflwife efteeme it fo, but if it bee excel- lent, then it winnes their love: fo it will bee with you in this, if you fee into the excellency that is L l z in r. Signe. r. Motive.