Pauls Con'verfion. I 249 fereth much,it envyeth not,it feekes not his owne: thus examine , whether you can patiently endure reproach, and fhame,and difgrace for Chri(k ; ex. amine whether you can rather look your right, then by getting of it, dithonour the Gofpell : ex- amine whether you doe not murmure or repine at the profpertty of others, when your felves are in a meaner condition ; examine whether you bee gentle, meeke, and eaf a to bee intreated of your inferiours,or equals ; if you can doe thefe things, and that from this ground, becaufe the love of God in Chrift conftraines you , it is a fgne that you are truly humbled. The fecund flgne whereby you fball know whe- z. Signe. ther you bee truely humbled or no, is this : exa- mine whether you tremble at the Word, when it is preached:it is the ligne that God himfelfe gives, Ifaiah 66.2. I will be with him that trembleth at my Ifaiah 66 -a. Word : hee whom the Word bath humbled, in whom it bath wrought this effeä, even to make confcience of all his wayes, that labours to fee e- very turning of his heart, and feares his corrupti- ons, that they will matter the worke of grace in him; this man istruely humbled. Ecclef.9. t. I Ecclef.6.z. confidered in my heart, that the righteous, and the wife , and their u orkes are in the hands of Gocl, &c. That is, his heart is taken up with a folid care of offending God : hee will not trua himfelfe, or his heart with any thing,hee fees and feares God,both in his power and holineffe : hee feares the threat - ning of the Word, and hee is affe &ed with the L 1 3 promifes