Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

25 Pauls Converfion. promifes of the Gofpel. Onely by the way take this caveat with you : it may bee you feare the Word, but take heed that it bee a right feare, for in this feare there are two things. Firft, there is the fire of the coale ; and then fecondly, there is the filth of the coale. Now it is a great fault of many men, they are more affrighted with the fire of the coale , then with the filth of the coale ; finne troubles them more, becaufc of the wrath of God, and hell, and damnation, which by the Word they apprehend, then becaufe ofthe defile- ment that comes by finne, that defiles the beauty of the foule : therefore by this you (hall certaine- ly know whether you bee throughly humbled or no; examine, what is your carriage towards the Word, when it convinceth you of fanne, are you then ftrucken with an autonifhment, and amaze- ment, and doth this forrow continue upon your hearts, or elf& when you are reproved of finne, and you find your [elves guilty, doe you onely figh and fob, and grieve a little, but anone your hearts begins to flight them : is it thus with you, then it is a lure finne, that you were never thorow. ly humbled; for as it is with a difeafe, wee fay a man is not healed, till he bee healed at the roote : fo a man is not truely humbled till the Word worke this effect in him ; namely, to make finne a burthen unto him; howfoever there may bee a, falve made that will cure the wound, skin it o- , ver,yet it will not continue,bur breake out againe; fo though men oftentimes may feeme to bee hum- bled