Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. 251 bled by the Word, yet the truth is, they deceive them felves ; the difeafe of their foules was never throughly healed, it may be Come mercy skin'd it over, and he thought bee had beene healed, but it breakes out againe ; hee refpeäs not the threat - nings of the Word, but hee goes unto evill com- pany againe, bee will prophane the Sabbath, and fweare, and be drunke againe ; if it bee thus with you, you were never truely humbled , for if you were,you would tremble at the Word: what shall we fay, doe you tremble at the Word, when you are no more mooved at it, then the feates you fit one wee may preach the Law, and damnation,and fpend our (elves, and yet it will not worke upon you this effect, as to humble you : but till then, never fay that you are humbled,and by this there- fore examine your felves. The third Signe , whereby a man may know whether he be truely humbled or no, is this, exa- mine how you Hand affe &ed to the Word , when it comes in the evidence of the Spirit, for as you are aff'éed to the Word, fo you are more or leffe humbled, if you feele a fweetneffe in the Word, a faving power in it, it is a figne, that you are truely humbled ; and on the contrary, if the Word be an unfavoury thing unto you, if you cannot love it alone for it felfe,it is a figne that you are not hum- bled : now in the Word, there are two things; mute, and Medicine. Firff, I fay, there is mare, a man that is not humble , never loves nor affeäs Chrifl nor the Word 5 3. Signe. rë