IPauls Converfion. Word; becaufe hee is full , and wee know that a man that bath a full ftomacke will Pet light by the daintieft difh,when as bee that is hungry will feed upon courier fare. So it is with a man that is humble, hee hungers and thirfts after Chrift, pri- zeth the Word at a high rate, becaufe it reveales Chrift unto him, hee efleemes the Word not with eloquence, but alone, the belt; when it comes in the demonftration and evidence of the Spirit, when it is purely Preached, when it comes as pure milke without mixture, then it is fweet unto him: but a man that is not humble, bee will not prize Chrifl, neither relifh the Word when it comes in theevidence of the Spirit, when it is"purely prea- ched,buthee mutt have fomething joyned with it: as a man that is full , who cares not for eating Grapes , and therefore ftands looking and gazing on them ; or as a man that is not a thirft, hee will gaze more on the graving of the cup , then bee will delire to drinke that which is in the cup; when as the hungry, or thirfty man, he will nor fo much gaze on the Grape, or refpeEt the out -fide of the cup as to eate and to drinke: fo a truly humbled man, hee will not regard eloquence and wit in the Word, this is unto him but as a graven cup, that will not fatisfie him, but the pure word alone, is that which will fatisfie him, and nourifh him up in grace: A man that is not humble, is like a fieve that loofeth thorow it all that is good, but keepes nothing but motes and durt: when he comes unto the word , if there be any thing that may fit his humour