Pa.u1s qonvergon. humour, that hee will hold ; which is nothing but vanitie and nourifheth not : but for that which is able to feed the foule, and make him wife in all fpirituall wifedome, which is the application, both of the threatnings, and the promifes unto the foule, this he lets goe as not worth the keeping and this is the reafon, why men remaine fo barren and fruitleffe, becaufe they doe not retaine that, or love that which would make them fruitfull in ho- finefie : thefe men are like children that cry for bookes , not becaufe they have a delire to learne, but becaufe they may turne over fome gaudy or gilded 1-_tters; fo there men, they come to Church, and they heare, and they receive the Sacraments, and :hey read the Word, but not to learne to bee e 5 'd by them , but ro play with fome golden k r.ers, heare the folly and foolífhneffe of him rí ar preacheth himfelfe and not Chris}, or for tdliion fake, or for fome other by -refpe t, but not to this end, that they may bee builded up in grace. The fecond part of the Word, is the cMedicine parr, the healing part; for as there is power in the Word to fill the foule full of grace, fo there is an- other power in the Word to heale the breaches and wounds in the Soule : now he that would find this laving power in the Word, he muff bee hum- ble, he muff finde and feele himfelfe ficke of fine untodeath, then the Word hath this power to fave and to heals, but it a man doe not finde himfelfe fpiritually ficke, the Word will never MI m heale 2.