Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

114 Pauls Converfion. 4, . Signe. EzeK.36.;7. heale him; but it will be a quite contrary medi- cine, rather a deftroying medicine then a healing medicine, it will be unto him, like as the Sun is to him that bath fore eyes, the more the Sun thanes, the more offenfiue it is unto him , and the greater paine it puts him unto. So it is with a man that is not humble and ficke of finne, the, more the Word lights upon his finne, the more bee (formes and ftrives againft it : it is with him, as it is with a man that is ficke ;.when men are ficke, then every thing troubles them, then they will be humble; fo when men are fpiritually ficke,then finne troubles them : it is with them, as it is with Abfoton and David, there was a rumour of war, before there was true warre : fo it is with men in this cafe, they have a kinde of warre in them felves, they feele fain, and are affrighted with it, but the warre is not true, it is but a counterfeit warrea feigned warre, becaufe it is betweene the confcience and hell, and not be- tweene the ffefh and the fpirit, therefore examine your felves by this, whether you bee truely hum - bled or no. The fourth fgne whereby you fhall know whe- ther you bee throughly humbled or no, is this; when a man is little in his owne eyes, when hee thinkes himfelfe worthy to be deftroyed, this wee fee to bee the true propertie ofa humbled foule, in Eze 3 6.7hen1hall you rememberyour own evill waits, and you doings that were not good, and "hall loath your felves in your owne fight for your iniquities, they (hall fo remember them, that they (hall thinke