Pauls Converfiosr. think themfelves worthy to be deftroied;for rhem, and not till then, is a man truely humbled. Lam. 3.22. faith the Church, it is thy mercy that wee are net confumed; as if thee thould fay, I am wor- thy to be detlroyed,and therefore it is a great mer- cy in thee to fave me : now ifa man bee humbled, be will be patient,mild, and gentle, and loving, he will patiently undergoe reproach and thame for Chrift, and love them that thew no true love unto him ; on the contrary, you may fee if a man bee not humbled, then he is proud and impatient, collerike and angry : David was humble in the matter of Yriab, and Eli was humbled when hee heard the judgement that was threatned againft his houle, It is the Lord, faith he, z Sam. 3. Let him dee what is goodin his owne eyes ; that is , I am worthy of it,let come what will come :but ifyour hearts rife with pride and impatience, your hearts are not truely humbled and broken, for he that is the humblett man, is leaft in his owne eyes : finne will breake the heart of a holy man, and humble him ; but if you be not humbled, your hearts will remaine ftiffe and flubborne, that is, they will not yield :therefore the more humility that a man gets, the more is his heart broken with finne, the lefle he efteemes of himfelfe : therefore examine your felves whether you be little or great in your owne eyes and acordingly jugde of your felves. The fifí Signe, whereby you may know, whe- ther you be throughly humbled or no is this, exa- mine your obedience to Chrift, if the foule bee M m 2 hum- 255 Lam. 3. z z. z Sam.3.13. Signer