Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

i, Rea on, a Rear pj. Pauls Con9erfión. humbled , it will yield generali obedience unto God. True humiliation will breed obedience in you : now ifyou find that you yield no obedience unto God , but you will norwithfl:aading pro- phane the Sabbath, and bedrunke, and game, it is becaufe you were never truly humbled, for if you were, you would yield obedience : humiliation firs the foule for obedience, makes it of a plyable difpofition, and that for there reafons. The firft reafon is, becaufe humiliation makes a man to fee God, in his holineffe and power : he that before refpefted not God, when he comes to this to fee the power of God will fubmit him - felfe: an example of this wee have in Bel/hazar, that feared the Lord after he was throaghly hum- bled : but when a holy man with the power of God, fees the purity and perfeftion that is in God,' this humbles him more, and that allo in regard of his owne bafeneffe,and vileneffe,and hence pro- perly the obedience of a holy man proceeds. O- bedience depends upon humiliation. As with men when a man or woman fees the power of a fuperiour,and that he is under his power, then hee becomes humble and obedient. The fecond reafon is , becaufe humiliation makes a man to defire the favour of God : now you know, aman that delires the favour of any, man, hee will doe any thing that may pleafe him, he will yield obedience unto all things, to all his demands,to all his requefl:s,no labour and paine is too great for to take for him, becaúfe he feekes his favour,