Mauls Con°berfion. favour, fo it is with a Chriftian, bee will doe any thing, or fuf$er anything for Chrift , that may pleafe him, becaufe hee feekes his favour, to have familiaritie,and inward acquaintance with God. The third reafon is, becaufe humiliation makes a man ro choofe God to be his Matter, to be ruled by his lawes, to live under his commands, and to obey him in all things and this is true obedience when a Chrittian choofes God, and grace, above all things in the world, otherwife it will not bee free obedience as a fervant that ferves a wicked matter, he obeyes him, but it is forc't obedience, becaufe hee cannot otherwife choofe, for if hee could have his will, he would not ferve him : but when a Chri(tian choofe; God to bee his Matter, he will thinke nothirg too much for him, lace will doe his will freely in all things. The fourth reafon is, becaufe humiliation breakes, and tames the ftubborneneffe of our na- ture, and makes it gentle and plyable (I fpeake all this while of the humiliation of the fpirit) unto good : as a young hor {e, or a young heifer, when they are broken become tame, and gentle ; fo a man that is truely humbled, that bath the flub - bornneffe and perverfnefe of nature broken in him, bee will then yield obedience unto God. For example, take a man that is troubled in con - fcicnce; who more humble, who more willing to be reconciled,who more willing to obey then he or take a man that is broken in eftate, though bee. was proud and high minded before , yet now hee M'm3 will 2s7 3.Re1fou. 4. Reafon.