258 Pauls Converfion. will be humble, and labour by all obedience, and fubmißîon to raife his eflate; for humiliation will breake the heart of all, but withal! it foftens the heart of a holy Man : this we fee in Paul, 4th 21. aa2.:. :3, z ;. When the Iewes would have perfwaded him from going to Ierufalem : hee anfwers them, What doe you mane to breakemy heart ? Wherefore doe you weaken my delire r Paull heart was let in him to fuffer many things for Chrift ; and therefore whatfoever hee meets withall that fought to per- fwade him to the contrary, it pierc'd him unto the heart : if you then bee truely humbled, the flub - bornenefl'e of your nature is tamed. . Rea/.. The fift Reafon is, becaufe where there is true humiliation, there is willingnefle ofmind,and you know a willing mind will fuffer any thing for Chrift, and till then no man will : when a man is willing to doe a thing, that which hinders him pinches him; but a man that is humble is willing to doe any thing,or fuffer any thing for Chrift ; he wil obey Chrift in every thing, becaufe hee fees and fides the burchen of fanne; and againe, bee knowes the vertue and excellencie of Chrift, and prizeth him above all things , fers him at a high rate,and lightly efteemes and fers by, either profit or pleafure: What is the reafon that men will not obeyebutbecaufe they value their lufts at a higher rate then they doe Chrift ; and this is becaufe they are not humbled , -they are not able to fadome the length and the breadth, the height and the depth of the excellencies that are in Chrift ; but it is o- therwife