Pauls Converfion. therwife with a regenerate man ; nothing fo deere and precious unto him as Chrift is, bee will loofe all things, and part with all things, before he will part with Chrift, hee will yeeld free obedience unto Chrift, becaufe he is throughly humbled. The fixt figne whereby you (hall know whether you be truely humbled or no, is this,examine how you hand affet ed with worldly pleafures, world- ly profics,and worldly joycs:are thefe delightfome to you,doe you make thefe your onely delight and joys then it is a figne that you were never as yet throughly humbled, becaufe finne as yet is nota burthen unto you ; for if a man apprehend finne deepely,if he fees finne as it is finne, contrary unto the nature, puritie, and holineflè of God, he will not minde earthly things fo highly or principally as to rejoyce in them only; therefore examine your hearts how you Hand affected with the things of the world: and therefore the Apoftle faith, Let him that is great in the world be low in his owne eyes : he that is truely humble,he will prize Chrift, and grace, and holineflè, as the greateft and molt pre - cious and excellent things in the world : as for ex- ample,a man that is ficke , when he is ficke then he will take no pleafure in any earthly thing, becaufe hee is humble ; but if you tell him that Chrift is mercifull, that he will receive humble (inners unto favour, he delights in nothing fo much, nothing is fo excellent unto him as.this : but when he is well. againe, then hee delights in the world again; and the reafon is becaufe he was never truely humbled, but 259 6. Signe. Jamcs. i.