Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

26o ( Pauls Converßon. but prizes the world, and takes more pleafure in the things ofthe world,then he doth in grace:but iris otherwife with an humbled foule, that is truly humbled; and it will delight more in Chilli, and grace, and holine(ie, then in all the pleafures and profits in the world:therefore examine your (-elves whether you are more affected with the world or with grace, and accordingly you may judge of your effaces, whether you bee truely humbled or no : and thus much for this meanes, and for this point, we now proceed unto that which followes. via hee Paid, Lord, what wilt thou have mee to dee Dottrine. The point is this,That fan u in it f elfe full of griefe and bitterneffe , and men (hall find it (o, fooner or lat- ter. I gather it thus. Paul was affrighted with his finne and trembled at it, it appeared unto him in an ugly fhape ; hence he cryes out, Lord what wilt thou have mee to doe ? that is, I am in a (freight:, I cannot tell how to be freed from fin,and I will do any thing,or fuffr any thing for thee fo I may bee freed from fiane:now I fee finne with griefe to bee a bitter thing : And fo L.. ddarn faw the bttterneffe of finne when hee hid himfelfe from God in the Garden ; and fo David Caw the bitternefíe of finne when he made the 5i. Pfal. How earnefily prayes he to be freed from it, to have the fling ofit taken away, to feele the favour of God againe, which then he felt not f Now that finne is thus, wee will prove it unto you. l irft, I fay, that finne is full of griefe and bit - terneff"e,