Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfron. ternefie, the Prophet calles it bitter, in lere.2. 19. Know, faith he, that which thou haft done ù bitter and evill,that is, you !hall find it bitter : nay it is bitter now, if you raft it ; and it is alwayes fo, though you doe not alwayes feele it fo; as the Serpent al- wayes hath a fling, though hee doe not alwayes ufe it, fo though finne Both not alwayes appeare bitter unto you, yet it is, and it appeares not bit- ter oftentimes to fome, becaufe it doth not ufe its fling alwayes ; but finne is bitter, becaufe it is the caufe of all affliélions : I fay, finne is the fling and edge of every affliEtion, take finne from the affliétion, and affíiaion will be but a bulke with- out a burthen, or as a Serpent without a fling,or a fword without an edge : and on the contrary, no- thing is bitter, nor hurts, if finne bee remooved Paul had a good confcience, becaufe finne was nor joyned with it, and therefore the afflictions, im- prifonments, and reproaches, that he met withall did not hurt him, they had no fling in them, in I. Cor. Is. 56. faith the Apoflle, Thefting of death ù finne, and the ftrength of finne is the Law. That which gives a fling unto death is finne, and that which gives a fling unto finne is the Law ; for ifit were not for the Law,there would be no finne,and if it were not for fin, there would not be any fling or bitterneffe in death. Therefore finne cannot choofe, but in its owne nature bee exceeding bit- ter and evill : and therefore efleeme how you will offinne, now ; but if once you come to know God in his power and greatnefl'e, then you (hall N n know 26L Ierem. 3. 19 t Cori g. 96.