262 Pauls Converfion. know finne to be bitter and evill: and the reafon is, becaufe finne makes us to fee God, as a fudge .ready to calf us into hell, out of his prefence, and utterly to defiroy us : What was the reafon that Paul was fo affrighted and affoni(hed in this placee but becaufe hee faw God in his power, and holi- neffe ; and finne contrary unto the pure nature of God : And what was the reafon that the Iaylor was fo affrighted? was it becaufe the prifon doores were opened ? no,but becaufe hee apprehended a tivonderfull power in God ; there was aglimpfe of the power of God, that (hone into his heart, and this was that which fo affi ighted him : fo you fee that the more that any man fees into the power and Maje(fie of God, the more bitter will finne be unto the foule : as wee fee in Iudad, bee faw the wrath of God, and then finne became bitter unto him:now there is a time when God beares the bur - then of his children, and keepes it off from them ; elfe with Iud& they would fink under them: a- gaine, fometimes facecloth not lay it upon them, but they lay it upon themfelves; but ifGod lay it on, they (hall fee time to be a bitter thing. Secondly,as finne is bitter, fo it (hall appeare to be fo, unto all men fooner or later, and that for thefe reafons. The firff Reafon, is, becaufe otherwife God ( hould loofe his glory;t do not fay , that this glo- ry (hall be taken away : for nothing neither finne nor Sathan (hall take away Gods glory ; becaufe all things worke for his glory: neither can any thing 2. I. Reafon.