Pauls ConTerfion. 263 thing adde unto his glory,but I fay, if God fhould not make finne bitter unto men,fooner or later,his glory fhould be fufpended for a time j and there- fore it is ufuall with the Lord to prefixe unto ma- ny threatnings his owne name : the Prophets ufe it frequently after that they have pronounced Iudgement againff rebellious fingers, then they adde Thus faith the Lord, and you fhafl know that 1 am the Lord, that is, becaufe you will rebel' a- gainft mee therefore you fhall know that finne is a bitter and terrible thing, becaufe I will not have my glory fufpended, therefore you (hall bee pu- nifhed, that you may know finne to bee a bitter thing. The fecond reafon is, becaufe every finne is the breach of a juif law : now God will have the o- bedience of every creature flamed according to his law, and all their aEfions muff bee fquared by this rule. And the law is this, Doe this and live; if thou doe it not, thou fink dye : So that the Law is an Injunhive Law, that injoynes either a man to doe or ro fuffer the penalty : that is, in- joynes punifhment to follow the breach of it : fo that if a man breake the Law, then hee (hall bee lure to bee punifhed. For God is zealous of his Law, and hee will not pafl'e a firmer in the breach of it without fatisfa lion, becaufe every injun- tive Law,as it binds to obedience, fo it binds the difobedience unto punifhment. The third reafon is, becaufe of the Mice of God : if he fhould not puni(h (inners when they N n 1 finne, 2. Rego*. . Reafon.