Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

2 Pauls Converfion. finne, if bee fhould nor In ike t hemto fe teelhat finne is bitter, fooner or latter , he fhould not be God : therefore faith Abraham, 'Wino, the God of all the earth doe right ? Gen. t 8. that is, (pare the good but punifh the wicked : it is equity that hee fhould doe fo. And indeed if men punifh ofEn. ders that breake the juft Lawes of their Prince, (and it is equity for men to doe fo,otherwife there would be no order in the world, nor no rectitude amongft men :) how much more (hall God e For all the reëlitude that is in the creature,comes from God : and therefore this being equity with men ro punifh offenders , furely it is juflice in God to punifh linnets : it is his nature, for Iuflice in God is God him felfe. But you will fay, it doth not appeare fo, that God doth punifh offenders, for we fee wicked men profper in their wickedneffe , and they have no bonds in their death, as lob faith; they fede finne not fo bitter as you fay it is, when on the contrary the godly Puffer much. To this I anfwer, that mens Iudgement is con- trary to the wifedome of God in this thing ; God knowes better how, and when, and where to take offenders then men can; therefore though God doth fufpend execution a while; yet it is not be- caufe they (hall efcape unpunifhed, but for thefe reafons. The firfl reafon is this, hee fufpends the execu- tion of punifhment for a time, becaufe the time of punifhment is not as yet come. You know the Crowne ObjeFl. aid,=lw. t.Reafon.