Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. ( 265 Crown= is not wonne till the race be runne out to the end, fo in this the full time is not come; finne is not ripe enough, but when it is full ripe, then he will lance them, and this was the caufe that the Lord did not punifh the t.í4morites, becaufe their Gen.! s. fnnes was not full : it was not come unto the full pitch, finne is growing all the time ofa mans life: it is like fruit, it is fooner ripe in fome then in o- thers, and that is the reafon that forne goea long time in finne,and yet are not punifhed;when others are taken in the very fad : there is a bound and flint fet unto every mans finne, thither hee shall goe, and no further: and therefore the Apotlle faith, Rom.2.5.that force are kept till the revelation Rom.z.S. ®fGods /Mil lodgement, till he reveale him felfe in his jufl ludgement ; this time is nor yet come, and therefore it is , that they are not cut off. Againe the Apottle faith in another place : What if God will fuffer with great patience, the veffeis of wrath Rom".". fitted for deflrullion ? that is, what if God will beare with force a great while, and p nith Tonic prefently ? What dothitt advantage them, have they caufe to boatt themfelves, or rather were it not farre better for them to bee cut off prefently, then to bee (pared a while, and then to have the judgement the greater ? therefore when God will make his power knowneto men, hee will fuffer them with great patience, that hee may give th greater ftroke : it is true, men cannot conceive how God can beare, and be fo patient towards wicked men: but you mutt know that Hee is full of pari- N n 3 ence