z nv 66 Pauls Coerion. 2. lital0n. 3. Rea on. ence : it is his nacure,he is patience it felfe,though patience be a gaality in us, yet it is not fo in God, it is his effence. The fecond reafon is this, bee beares long with wicked men, for the propagation, and increafe of mankind : for if hee fhould punifh men as fait they offend, and deferve death, how fhould the Church increafe, how fhould the Church (land, this were to overthrow and weaken his owne power; but God is wile and knowes better how to turne the evil! intentions and deedkof men, for the good of his Church: as for example, if a Captaine upon force general! fault committed by his fouldiers, if hee (inlaid execute all offenders, this were the way to deflroy his Army, and fo ex- pofe himfclfe unto the hands of his enemies,there- fore he takes but a few, here one,and there one,to make the re(} to take heede they fall not againe: thus doch God, hee doch not inflici punilhmenr, that is, prefent death upon all finners ; but takes here and there one, to make them palpable exam- ples unto the reft; as wee fee daily, how the Lord meets with the fins of men , then when they leaf} thinke of finne or God. The third reafon,why God dorh patiently beare with offenders,is this, He doth it for the good of force that areyet to6ecalied,and therefore you know what the Lord faid unto the husbandman in the Gof- pel, when he would have plucky up the tares, let them alone, faith hee, untill the harvell : yet how. foevet this comparifon doch not alwayes hold true,