Pauls ConTerfion. X67 true, for he did not forbeare the plucking of them up, expelling any change, but only leaft in pluck- ing up them, hee fhould hurt the good feed; for tares will never be wheate, fo they that are repro- bated, will never convert: yet it holds good in this,hee lets tares grow, that is, he beares patient- ly with wicked men, even with thofe that as yet feeme to bee fo, becaufe as yet they have nor ex- preft the fruits of their converfion ; and therefore for this reafon doth God forbeare long to punifh the wicked, left hee fhould deftroy the feed of the righteous. The fourth Reafon, Why God fuffereth long, is this,that he may try the heart, how it will ca rry it felfe towards him; not that lice knowes not the heart before , but that the heart may now know, that the Lord is patient, when hee fhall confider ow patiently God hath dealt with him, and how long he hath borne with him ; for this makes men more inexcufable before God, and more afhamed of themfelves, when they (hall call to miede, what time, what opportunitie,what occafion they have had to good, how they might have f }ored them felves with grace, and made their peace with I him, and then how many finnes they have corn- mitred time after time,. and then what checks of conícience after, to reclaime them ; I fay, if men did but confider this, they could not but fay, that 4Re4fo' God is patient. The fift Reafon, is this, although they bee not a{flided as other men are, yet it is nor, becaufe they 5 Rea %n