2.68 rRefieîi. Y. ReffieEt. Ploy. 1.3 z. 3, RefjieEi. Pauls Conver}%n. they are therefore not afliided at all , for indeed they are afflifted with the greateft affluions that can be ; other mens affliftions may feeme to bee greater, but yet not fo, but are letter, whatfo- ever they may feeme to bee, and that in there refpe 1s. t, Refjea, Becaufe wicked men, they loofe the fpirit, God denies them grace, and that is the greateft affli%ion that God can lay upon any &- net-, namely,to deny grace; this was the affliction that God laid upon said, it had beene better for Saul chat a thou land judgements had befalne him, then to have loft the fpirit, the favour of God. Now wicked men they loofe the favour of God, they loofe the obtaining of faving grace, therefore w hatfoever they feeme to be, yet the truth is,they are more afflicted then other men. 2. R0 ea, The profperitie of wickedmen, is a puni(htnent;for that which flayes men, is a punifh- ment;but this the profperity of wicked men doth, fir them for deftruâion , and therefore the Wife man faith, Proverb. z. 32. that prof2beritie and eafe flaies the wicked, that is,the more they profper and thrive, and rejoyce in their lufts, the greater Rabb Both time give them at the heart , and the more irrecoverably are they fmitten ; there they have no caufe to brag of their profperitie. 3. Refßett, Is this becaufe they may wither and die in their firmes, and that is a great punifhment; for becaufe they are not affliled as other men are, therefore it is , that their fuperfluous branches of Tuft,