Pauls Conrerfion. 269 luft,and covetoufnefl^e, and pride, are not lopt off, for afflietions lop thefe off; which hinder the growth of laving grace, as you know the fuper- fluous branches ofany tree, hinder the growth of the other branches, if they be not cut off they will make them to wither and die ; thus it is with wic- ked men, becaufe they are not affliled, they be- gin to wither and grow cold unto good. The bo- dy doth not fo much wither with age, as the in- ward man doth by there lulls, they breed a con - fumption in the foule,that will not be recovered. 4. Rejj et , Againe,though we fee them not af- fli ted, yet they have many afflidtions which wee know not : even as the godly have many inward joyes and comforts in their hearts, which wicked men never felt, fo wicked men have many thong fares in their hearts, and many fudden flafhes of the fire of hell in their foules, much hollownefre in their hearts, much forrow mingled with their carnall joyes, and often affrighted with the jawes ofdeath, and arrefted with horrors ofconfcience, though outwardly they feeme to the world, to be the joyfulleft and happieft men in the world, yet the truth is, they are the moil miferable and for - rowfull men in the world, for as the inward joy is (arre greater then the outward joy , fo the in- ward forrow is farre greater then the outward forrow alone : thus you fee the point prooved. The ufe of this fhould teach us not to delude our (elves in the matter of aflliCtions; in ARE- ons we are ready to conclude, becaufe our affiieli- O o ons r}. Reffreft.