Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

270 Luke 13. 2,3. Att$ f. Pauls Corverßou. ors are greater then others, that therefore wee are greater fillers ; but here you fee the contrary,the greateft finners are not alwayes outwardly the greateft affíicted, for God ufes a great deale of difference in affli lions , fome hee afflóls young, he takes them when they are greene;others he lets them goe a long on the fcore, till they bee old,yet he will meete with all at laít, either fooner, or lat- ter; therefore thinke not that thou art a greater firmer, or that thy firmes are greater then other mens are, or that God loves thee leffe, becaufe of thy outward afhiaions : remember what the Lord Paid unto the Iewes. Luk. i 3. s, 3.Thinke not, faith bee, that the Galilean on whom the Tower of Shiloino fell, were greater (inners then you, or others (inners : thinke not becaufe judgement was in that manner inflidted upon them, that they were grea- ter tanners : or that their floes were greater, and did exceed others : hut except you repent, yeeJhallafl likewifèperifh; I will meete with you , and you (hall know that your fines are as great as theirs was;and fo looke upon every finne that God bath punifhed, prefently, and the finne is as great Hill, as ever it was : as for example the finne of lying. LtFts 5. dnauiaa and-saphira they lyed, and you fee what a judgement was ioflided upon them,be- caufe they had lyed to the holy Ghofl : even a- gainft that light which the holy Gholl had revea- led unto them , and yet you mutt know that a lye is not the finne of the holy Ghoft ; for any rege- nerate man, that is in the covenant, may through infir-