Pauls Converfion. 271 infirmitie 1peakc an untruth, and yet not finne the finne againft the holy Ghoft; but I lay, the lane ()flying is now as great as ever it was, and he that inflieted that judgement upon them , may irflií` the like upon thee : yet you muff know that this finne is not greater then other limes; but becaufe men might cake heed of this antic for the time to come, he made them examples. Againe in Levi;. Lcwic. 1"42.' to. z,z,3.they that offered ftrange fire in the time 3.. of the law they were (trucken with death, not that this was a greater finne then any now, but to teach men reverently to draw neere unto Gad; when we have to doe with any of the ordinances of God to ufe them reverently, and to come with reverent hearts unto them. Againe, let us con- fider what judgements have befalne lyers, and theeves, and prophaners of the Sabbath , and drunkards, and luxurious perfons, and cozeners, and gamefters , that if wee bee thelike, the fame judgements may befall us, as hath befalne them; ler us fet thefe as examples,to take heed ofthe like firmest as the Apoftle faith, z Cor. r o. x i. Theft Cor, 10.11. things fell upon them for our example, be. That wee Ayala' not loll 4 fr»e of them lulled, &c. Now if finne bee as dangerous unto the foule as ever it was, it fhould teach us to take heed of commit- ting the leafs evill : And that I may the better pre - vaile with you to forfake finne; confider thefe motives. The firft motive to move you to forfake Dane, r, Moa m is this, becaufe fianc all make you afhamed,Ronr. 0 o z 6.21.