Z'2 _-._.---- Rom.6.z 1, Slone maketh afhz.med. Iere. 2. 19. 2. Motive. Heb. Ts. 6. r , Reafon. Revel. 3. 19. a Pet. 1.. .4 Pauls Conver on. 6.2 r. What fruit bad you then in th®fe things where- of you are now aJhamed : what will it availe you to doe that thing, that afterwards will flame you ? for though the roote of every finne feeme to bee fweet, yet the fruit of it is bitter , that is, both flame, and forrow, and death : and againe, on the "other fide, though the roote of every act ofgod- lineffe be a little hard, and bitter to the flrfh, yet the fruit of it, is, honour and glory : And therefore the Prophet faith, ¡ere. a. 19. that to firme againft God, is an evillthing and bitter, how Tweet foever it may feeme unto you : let this therefore move you to hate finne, becaufe it will make you a- (hamed. The fecond motive, to move you to forfake fin, is this, becaufe if you finne, God will beate you : though elation be Pure, yet you (hall not efcape correFtion, which (hall be more bitter unto you, then the f fveereft finne, Heb, r a. 6. Seefcoargetb every fonne whom bee receiveth : if thou bee Gods fonne,thou mutt make account to feele Gods rod. The Lord corredeth his children, when they firme, for thefe two rearms. The fiat reafon is , becaufe finne is finne with God, in whomfoever it is, and he will be lure to ('courge him in whom it is; if thou runne out lee will fetch thee in, with his crooke;and the fveerer the firme was, the bitter will the ícourging bee. Rev. ;. t9. Who n ¡lave Irebuke andchafien ; that is, I will doe it without exception of perfons. a Pet, 1. el..Iudgement mull begin at the boufe of God. Prov.