Pauls CoNTerfion. 273 Prov. i c. 31. Bebeld the rìghteoua( hall be recompen- fed, or rewarded in this life, how much more the firmer ; if a holy man lime hee (hall bee afflicted, then much more a wicked man. And againe, bee that foweth iniquity, lball reape affhiölion : hee that finneth, mutt expel the rodde, and it muti needs be fo, becaufe Gods children draw the neereft un- to him,and he bath faid, that bee will bee fanlixred of thofe that draw neere unto him, Levit. Io. 3. therefore for the keeping of them cleane, they mutt be fcowred,when they grow fouleand rutty; they mutt bee catt into the furnace, when they ga- ther droffè. The fecond reafon is, becaufe his children are the Temples of the holy Gho(t, wherein God de- lights to dwell; and therefore he will not fuffer a- ny uncleaneneffe to abide in them long, but will quickely fweepe it our, with the beefome ofaffli- dion, as in Revel. 2. 5. Remember therefore from whence thou art faine, and repent, and doe thy firfl workes, or elfe i will come unto thee quickely. I, but I feele nothing for the prefent. I anfwer; yet after,though not now,thou (halt furely feele ir, and in that thing that thou loveft mot} , which ofall other, thou wouldeft not bee croft in, as David in his vlbfolon, and cmefes in his going into Canaan : for that is Gods manner; if !fiat loath Manna, God will make it to come our at their no(trils. And fo thou (halt Curdy feele thy fiane, what ever ir be, in the end : for as in the mifderneanor of youth,we fow the feeds of after - 0 o 3 difeales Trod I.; I. Levit. 10. 3. z.Reafon. Revel. 2. S. r . Objeï. Anfiv,