Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

274 3. ©6jea. e'foi5". Patils Coxver/% ,j. difeafes,though not prefently felt. Sogodly men in their runnings our, low the feeds of atter. af$i- ûions, though for a while that harveft appeareth not above ground: fee it in David, in salmon, in e4fa, in Vzziah, whether all they fimarted not for it in the end ; and the longer It is deferred,che more will come together: as thofe that are ficke feldome, are ficke to purpofe when it commeth, becaufe many humors lye heaped together, and lye infenfible a while, and then breake forth at once; fo when thou haft heaped a great many of fianes together,the judgements of God will break out to purpofe againft thee, fo that thou fhalc feele the weight of them all. I, but I am healthful', and rich,and ftrong;and wee thinkes,aflíitions are not here me. This is anfwered in 2. Corinth. to. t the Apoftle , Wee are not of the number of them, that compare themfelves with themf lees, and commend themfelves ; for they that doe thus are unwife : for as the hiding of the Sunne, brings darkenefle in a moment,fo in an inftanr,God can turne all up- fide downe,and will doe it on a fudden, when you thinke your felves fafefl. I will commit it but once, if I might but com- mit it but once, I could delire to commit it no more. Remember, David numbred the people but once, and committed adultery but once, sichern and Dinah committed fornication but once, 4m- Mtn committed adultery but once, Reuben went up to