Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfios. to his fathers bed but once, sand offered facrifice againft the Commandement of God but once, c..Mofes feared but once at the waters of Rrife. h- uh difobeyed God, in going to warre without a warrant but once;Nadab and Abihu offered Rrange Narn. zs3 fire but once : thofe two thoufand three hundred which were flaine for committing fornication, the fame day they were deftroyed; (it is likely there. fore they did it but once) yet upon them and upon all theee, the tudgements of God were very hea- vy, for once falling; therefore fin= not once. I, but I am a regenerate man, and in the Rate 4. Nita. of grace ; and therefore God will deale tenderly with me. So, firn, were molt of thefe named before, yet .infix. God fpared them not : fecondly, againe thou fhalt the rather be fharplier dealt withall, becaufe one that draweth necre unto him in profeffion, muR be more cleane then others : thirdly, lob was in the Rate of grace, yet quickly mooved, for bee knew he could not efcape, as it isinlob 31. z. to the 23. verfe, in which hee concludes, that the wrath of God was a terror to him, and by reafon of his Highncfíe, hee could not indure : fo alfo in z. Pet. 1. 17. though hee bee a Father , yet without 73 ee.1.17. rleas beejudgetb doses, therefore thinke not to etcape,if thou fine, becaufe thou art a forme, but rather expea to be beaten the more. But I may recover by repentance. 5. ©bká. I anfwer, It is more then thou knoweft,and that Alf,,, . for this reafon, becaufe repentance is Gods gìft,e- very