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276 6. 06jei. f4nfxner. Hcb.ts, z9. ¡ Pet. 1,17. Iob;4, tI. Pauls Converfio,s. very time when it is renewed; if it be then his gift, and in his power, then it is not thine, nor in thy power to repent : in Ioh. 3, 8. the wind blameth where it lifteth; and it is certaine, when wee have once pact limites modefti e, wee are in pracipitio wee cannot flay our felves till wee come unto the bottome of the hill,except God [ layes us: David and Salomon, thought they could have gone fo farre,that they might have reclaymed themfelves, but they were deceived; if thou cannot keepe thy foule pure before thou haft committed finne, how wilt thou doe to call it out, when it is once in a e- vew finne hardneth the heart, and weakeneth the ftrength of the inward man. But many have efcaped punifhment; and fo (hall I. i anfwer, never any efcaped, but they had it ei- ther inward or outward, fooner or later , though they have beene Gods deareft children: Heb. 12. 29. even our God is a confirming fire that is, bee is zealous of his glory , to burne up and purge out by af$ietions, the corruptions of his children : and in i Fet. r .17. every one to whom he is a Father, (hall be judged, that is,afilided without refpect of perfons, according unto their workes : fo rob 34 ii. hee rewards men according to their workes: only this mutt be added, the more we judge our felves, and the deeper wee goe in humiliation, the leffer God will Aid us. David humbled himfelfe fo farre that God fent him word, that all his fins were pardoned. Yet what mediae of aflli uion David