Pauls C &twerficna. 277 David did neede, that his heart might bee more broken, that he th.ail have ; and every one elfe that belongs unto God : fo flhabs fained humiliation did deferre,and letfen his punifhment 3 I fay, leffen it onely, for notwithftanding he was thine. Eze- chiah ratted of fome afidions , yet becaufe hee humbled himfelfe, a great fhowre of Gods ven- geance fell not upon him; humiliation is a meanes to break the /bower, and dill the winde,and calme the waves of the wrath of God. The third motive to move you to hate finne, is this, becaufe finne will take away your excellen- cy; even as a ftarre that falleth to the earth loofeth his brightneffe, fo when one that path beene for- ward in religion, falleth to earthly and carnali de- lights, then all his beauty,dignity, and excellency vanifheth : Gen. 49.4. it is Jacobs lad fpeech unto Ruben, Thou hall loll thy excellency , thou art become a sveakeas ivater,becaufe he had defiled his fathers bed : nothing will take away a mans excellency but finne; afliic` ions, difgrace, inprifonment, or the like doe not hurt a man ; nay he may chine the more for thefe : as the torch apeareth the brigh- ter,the darker the night is : fo if a Chriftian keepes his uprightnetfe he will Thine (till bright, let men doe or fay what they can ; but it is finne that ble- mifheth, and taketh away our dignity, and excel- lency; when a man keepes his uprighneffe, hee walkes in his ftrength, but when he defccnds uuto any vanity,or folly;it is his impotency and weake- neffe : therefore if youwould not loofe your ex- P celkmc y 3. Motive. Gen,99.4.