Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Co,verfion. cellency, you mutt loofe your limes. The fourth Motive to move you to hate finne, is this, becaufe the lean finne violateth the peace of confcience, which is as tender as the apple of the eye; and you know the lean mote that is,trou- bles it : finne will fret and grieve the confcience, it will inrage and disquiet it : ifa good confcience be a continuall fail, what a loflè is it to want it in time of health ; but in time of fickneffe and afl3i- Elions how bitter will it bee to want it a If a man admits but of the least evill thing, though but an occafion of evill, reluaate Con fèientia, that is, againft his confcience,it doth not onely take away a mans peace,but it galleth and vexeth him excee- dingly : for firmes in a mans confcience are like thornes in a mans feet, though all were pluckt out but one, yet that one is enough to trouble and grieve him : on the contrary , fee what comfort Paul had from a good confcience when bee was in prifon: and what forrow Adam had in Paradife from an evill confcience : let this moove you to hate finne. The fifth Motive to moove you to hate finne, is,becaufe finne will bring upon you all manner of miferies : all the miferies and afhiftions that wee tafte of here, are meafured out to us for firmes committed ; and on the contrary,all the comforts, peace of confcience, profperity, and inward joy, are all continued to us according unto the pure - neffe of our hearts and wages: as in Pfal. 18.23, 24. I waa alfo upright,faith David, before him, and r kept