Pauls Con),erfson. kept my fel fe from mine iniquitie, therefore bath the Lord recompenfed mee according to my uprightneffe: according to the cleanneffé of my bands in his eyes fight : and then in the 25,and 26.vçrfes,both parts are clearely exprefl'ed,that he wil walke more fro - wardly with you, as you walke more frowardly with him : and againe, as you walke more purely with him, fo hee will Phew himfelfe more graci- ous and loving unto you : as for example, go tho- row all the Iudges of ifrael, and you (hall fee this true ; looke to Gedeon, one firne was the deffruc`fi- on of him and his houfe : looke to Sampfon, that finny of fornication, brought upon him fhame,im- prifonment, and death. Againe, goe through all the Kings of zudah, and you (hall fee that they profpered fo long , as they profpered in grace , and when they fell into time, then prefently they fell into mifery , looke to David, to Salomon, to Rehoboam, Ahab, to Afa, c../1/tanaffes, &c. Againe, looke among({ the Corin- thians, forne were ficke, andweake, amongff them for not receiving the Sacrment worthily, foal( ffckneffes in body, breaches in effate,ill han- fels in bufìneil-es, troubles from enemies, griefes from wives, children, and friends, they all even now in our daies proceed from the {Imes, which you have committed. Againe , as I Paid, all the profperity, whether it bee outward in riches , or honour, or wife, or children, or friends ; or in- ward, the laving graces of the fpitit, they all pro- ceed from your upri htneffe of heart. And needs P 0 2 it 279