280 6ó Motive. Job 31.z. Pauls Converfion. it muff be fo, becaufe if God be the Governour of all the world ; then it mutt needs bee bet# with them that ferve him belt , and worít with them that offend him worn : this rule muff bee under- flood of the Saints to comfort them , and not of wicked men ; for they want afflictions, and enjoy profperitie in Iudgemenr : but with the godly it is not fo , therefore they are like to tafte of both in this life, according to their thriving in finne, and going backward in holineffe; let this moove you to hate finne , that you may efcape thefe mi- ferics. The fixt Motive, to moove you to hate finne, is, becaufe finne is a vaine thing, it can yeeld us no true comfort or content , and this wee may fee in the vanitie and changeableneff` of earthly things, when we make them our onely joy, how Toone are wee deprived of theme for indeed,what is our portion, or what can yeeld us any found and folid joy and comfort, but God and Chritt e and fo Job reafoneth in lob 31.2. what portìm fhall i have with God Almighty ? it is no fmall portion, but a great portion to have communion with Him , to bee Pure of Him for a refuge in all troubles, a Counfeller in all duties, a helper in all wants to ftand by us,when all elfe forfake us : hee that knoweth the fweet confolations of the fpirit, will account finne and the world but a vaine thing ; I fay, no man that knowes the fweetneffe there is in the Communion with God, will loofe it for all the pleafures of finne. lob 14. hee fhow- eth