Ammongill 282 8. Motive. Ezra 9.6. 9. Motive. z Sam.2z,7,8. Pauls Converfíon. man is not at reft, whileft his heart is not cleanfed from his Ones: let this therefore moove you to hate finne, becaufe it is reftleffe. The eighth Motive,to moove you to hate finne, is, becaufe finne is not acquainted with God, it hath no familiaritie with him , it is not accuflo- med to (land, or be in his pretence ; it (lands in fuch termes with him , that the firmer dares not looke upon God , or draw veere him without flume and feare : no wicked man dares doe thus, fo long as any uncleanneffe cleaveth unto him in any degree. But grace breeds an holy acquain- tance with God , and doth beget in the heart a kinde of noble friendfhip and familiaritie with God, which will make a holy man to abborre finne as a bare thing , which befeemeth not that pureneffe of that friend(hip which hee hath with Chrift : hence is that fpeech of Ezra, in Ezra 9, 6. 0 my God , 16lufh and am afhamed to lift up my face to thee, my God; for my iniquities are gone, &c, that is, becaufe of my finne, I am afhamed to have any familiaritie with thee. The ninth motive, to move you to hate finne, is, becaufe if you live in finne God will (hew you no mercy : you (hall find him not as a father, but as a Iudge. The mercy and kindneffe of God is a great and effecuall motive which God often u- fes in. Scripture, to move us from finne; thus the Lord dealt with Davïd, in 2 San. I a. 7;8. I gave thee thy Mailers daughter, and I made thee King in his fleed,and if this had beene too little,I could have