Pauls Con )'er"on. 283 have done much more, wherefore then haft thou done thus and thus, &c. Againe, in Micah 6.45, 6,7. o my people, what have I done unto you, remem- ber what I did for you, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt ; remember what Balack King ofMoab confulted, and what Balaam the fosse of Beor anfwe- red him, from Sittim unto Gilgall, &C. Againe, in Deut. 32.6. Doe you thus requite the Lord, o foo- lma people tee,tnand fa/hio»ed thee s that father th bought and eftabli/hedthee, &c. Gods dealing with us, being foundly confidered, how often hee hath fpared us, and borne with us, how much hee hath loved us, and done for us, is enough to breake the heart of a regenerate man, and make him to hate fnne. The tenth Motive, to move you to hate fume, is, becaule finne makes you to breake your cove- nants with God : and therefore the remembrance of our covenants with God, is enough to con- found us, and give an edge unto our forrowes for finnes pall , and confirme us in our refoluti- ons exceedingly for the time to come : what (hall wee mocke God , faith the holy Mane will hee hold him guilticffe that taketh his name in vaine e and will bee not furely require our vowes at our hands a Yes, certainely bee will , and that fpee- dily : if wee ufe to breake our covenants often, and begin to forget them, and the Genealogy of them : therefore let this move you to hate finse; that you may keepe your covenants with God, and Micäh.ó.q, S, 6,7. Deut.; i.6. 1 G. Motive.