Pails +Converfion. 281 the heart bee but impure, and unholy towards God. Wherefore let this moove you to hate fanne. The twelfth motive,to move you to hate finne, is, becaufe finne is the greateft tyrant that God hath. The confideration what a tyrant loft is, would make you affraid of Panne, if you did but know what vexation it would put you unto : from which tyranny you fhall never bee freed, till you come to give peremptory denials unto it in every thing : for when ftrong tufts poff'efIe your hearts, they read you about, diftrac`i you, and weary you. Now what greater enemy can any man have then hee that drawes away the heart of his fpoufe after him, from her owne hus- band What greater enemy can any chaff wo- man have, then hee that entifes her to folly, and to make her his whoore : beloved, finne drawes away your hearts and affections from God : you are, or you ought to bee Chrifts Spoufe, then thinke with your felves , whether finne be not an enemy both unto Chrift , and unto your (elves : It is true, it may bee it will promife you to make fatisfadtion, but performe nothing ;for while they are yet living and quieke in us , wee are in this ftraight;either wee refift them,or nor refift them : if we refill them , they paine us, and weary us out with importunitie : but if we refill them not, then we put feweil unto the fire, and fo make it the greater: and when the lull hath gotten more ftrcngth, then it muff have more fatisfalion, and Qq when j I2. Ä. tive.